Thunder Woman Healing Lodge Society (TWHLS) is a community-driven initiative raised out of concern and recognition of the urgent need to break the cycle of Indigenous women’s over-representation in Canada’s prisons. The transitional housing SSA is helping to design represents a new hybrid form of programming; a first of its kind in the GTA and in Ontario. The Lodge promotes a healing and restoration of identity through traditional indigenous teachings. Indigenous women using the facilities and calling the space home may be rehabilitated, empowered and work towards independence, to address the root causes of their conflict with the justice system.
The Lodge provides beds for women who are on parole from Federal institutions, for women leaving Provincial institutions, and for women before the courts seeking bail. It also provides affordable transitional housing for women who have completed the healing program, and cultural programming with the assistance of counselors and Elders.
TWHL is a non-profit governed by community members, dedicated to providing culturally appropriate supports and assistance that will heal, build personal capacity and work towards providing the tools and resources to divert Indigenous Women away from future interactions with the criminal justice system. Truth, reconciliation and healing will only occur when root causes are addressed, and support is provided to stop further victimization by a system that is far behind in promoting true justice for Indigenous women. We are poised to start construction on the project in 2021.
Susan Speigel Architect has collaborated with TWHLS from the outset of this remarkable project as architects, community engagement facilitators, fund-raisers, and as allies. The building - seven stories and 17,000 sq.ft. of shared housing, meeting and office space, community rooms and healing gardens - is about to start construction, Summer 2021.